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Welcome to Thunderforce, an open-source Mozilla Thunderbird extension for

Please feel free to look at and comment on the feature list. This extension has not been written yet, so if you contribute now, you can help steer the direction of Thunderforce. Partial functionality is presently planned for a pre-alpha version in mid-August.

Current stage: Experiments


This process is loosely based on Anthony Lattanze's Architecture-Centric Development Methodology (ACDM), which is popular process framework in the Master of Software Engineering (MSE) program at Carnegie Mellon University and elsewhere. For the development phase, a design-oriented process that refines the architectural modules into detailed design and then code will be used.

  1. Requirements elicitation
  2. Quality attributes
  3. Requirements prioritization and project scope
  4. High-level project planning
  5. Use cases
  6. Notional architecture
  7. Experiments
  8. Architectural review and refinement
  9. Module identification and assignment
  10. Integration test creation
  11. Detailed module designs
  12. Module unit tests
  13. Module code
  14. Integration tests passing
  15. Releases



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Useful Development Links
