DirList2ODBC - General Information


The DirList2ODBC driver enables easy access to DirList2 databases by translating standard SQL statements into the numbers and letters that the DirList2 server's web interface understands.  With this functionality, one can use ODBC-compliant applications such as Microsoft Access to work with DirList2 databases.

Features and SQL Commands

Because SQL semantics are quite different from DirList2 server's, considerable effort was put into DirList2ODBC's development.  With this driver, everything in the DirList2 database system becomes a collection of tables and fields, allowing you to use the DirList2 system as if it were a generic database system.

Here are the tables that DirList2ODBC provides to ODBC clients as well as the equivalent DirList2 system object:

DirList2ODBC Table DirList2 Server Object
tblDirEntry Directory entries
tblClass Classifications
tblClassValue Classifications
tblClassData Directory entries
tblSortTable Sorting tables
tblIndexInfo Global variables
tblUser User database

For more information on what the server objects represent, please refer to the DirList2 Server documentation.

SQL Statements:

Each table has its own set of SQL statements that it supports for ODBC clients.   Here is a list of tables and their supported SQL statements (items in brackets [] are optional and can be left out of the statement if desired):

Table SQL Statements Clauses Notes
tblDirEntry SELECT field1 [AS alias1], ... Field qualification is optional; use * to select all fields
_ _ FROM tblDirEntry [AS] [alias] _
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ [WHERE condition] NOT is not supported right before an opening parenthesis
_ _ [ORDER BY field1, field2, ...] The fields cannot be literals
_ INSERT INTO tblDirEntry [(field1, field2, ...)] _
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ VALUES (value1, value2, ...) All values must be literals
_ UPDATE tblDirEntry [IN "index"] _
_ _ SET field1=value1, ... All values must be literals; conditions and field names are not supported as values
_ _ WHERE condition NOT is not supported right before an opening parenthesis
_ DELETE [*] _
_ _ FROM tblDirEntry _
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ WHERE condition NOT is not supported right before an opening parenthesis
tblClass SELECT field1 [AS alias1], ... Field qualification is optional; use * to select all fields
_ _ FROM tblClass [AS] [alias] _
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ [WHERE condition] Condition can only involve ClassID; parenthesis are ignored
_ INSERT INTO tblClass [(field1, field2, ...)] _
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ VALUES (value1, value2, ...) All values must be literals
_ UPDATE tblClass [IN "index"] _
_ _ SET field1=value1, ... All values must be literals; conditions and field names are not supported as values
_ _ WHERE condition The condition can only involve ClassID; parenthesis are ignored
_ DELETE [*] _
_ _ FROM tblClass _
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ WHERE condition The condition can only involve ClassID; parenthesis are ignored
tblClassData SELECT field1 [AS alias1], ... Field qualification is optional; use * to select all fields
_ _ FROM tblClassData [AS] [alias] _
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ [WHERE condition] Condition can only involve ClassID, UserName, or both; parenthesis are ignored
_ INSERT INTO tblClassData [(field1, field2, ...)] _
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ VALUES (value1, value2, ...) All values must be literals
_ UPDATE tblClassData [IN "index"] _
_ _ SET field1=value1, ... All values must be literals; conditions and field names are not supported as values
_ _ WHERE condition The condition can only involve ClassID, UserName, or both; parenthesis are ignored
_ DELETE [*] _
_ _ FROM tblClassData _
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ WHERE condition The condition can only involve ClassID, UserName, or both; parenthesis are ignored
tblClassValue SELECT field1 [AS alias1], ... Field qualification is optional; use * to select all fields
_ _ FROM tblClassValue [AS] [alias] _
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ [WHERE condition] Condition can only involve ClassID, ValueID, or both; parenthesis are ignored
_ INSERT INTO tblClassValue [(field1, field2, ...)] _
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ VALUES (value1, value2, ...) All values must be literals
_ UPDATE tblClassValue [IN "index"] _
_ _ SET field1=value1, ... All values must be literals; conditions and field names are not supported as values
_ _ WHERE condition The condition can only involve ClassID, ValueID, or both; parenthesis are ignored
_ DELETE [*] _
_ _ FROM tblClassValue _
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ WHERE condition The condition can only involve ClassID, ValueID, or both; parenthesis are ignored
tblSortTable SELECT field1 [AS alias1], ... Field qualification is optional; use * to select all fields
_ _ FROM tblSortTable [AS] [alias] _
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ [WHERE condition] Condition can only involve SortTableID; parenthesis are ignored
_ INSERT INTO tblSortTable [(field1, field2, ...)] _
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ VALUES (value1, value2, ...) All values must be literals
_ UPDATE tblSortTable [IN "index"] _
_ _ SET field1=value1, ... All values must be literals; conditions and field names are not supported as values
_ _ WHERE condition The condition can only involve SortTableID; parenthesis are ignored
_ DELETE [*] _
_ _ FROM tblSortTable _
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ WHERE condition The condition can only involve SortTableID; parenthesis are ignored
tblUser SELECT field1 [AS alias1], ... Field qualification is optional; use * to select all fields
_ _ FROM tblUser [AS] [alias] _
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ [WHERE condition] Condition can only involve UserID; parenthesis are ignored
_ INSERT INTO tblUser [(field1, field2, ...)] _
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ VALUES (value1, value2, ...) All values must be literals
_ UPDATE tblUser [IN "index"] _
_ _ SET field1=value1, ... All values must be literals; conditions and field names are not supported as values
_ _ WHERE condition The condition can only involve UserID; parenthesis are ignored
_ DELETE [*] _
_ _ FROM tblUser __
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ WHERE condition The condition can only involve UserID; parenthesis are ignored
tblIndexInfo SELECT field1 [AS alias1], ... Field qualification is optional; use * to select all fields
_ _ FROM tblIndexInfo [AS] [alias] _
_ _ [IN "index"] _
_ _ [WHERE condition] This clause, if specified, is completely ignored; this table only has one row
_ UPDATE tblIndexInfo [IN "index"] _
_ _ SET field1=value1, ... All values must be literals; conditions and field names are not supported as values
_ _ [WHERE condition] This clause, if specified, is completely ignored; this table only has one row

While the IN clause is always optional, it can be used if you want to access an index other than the one you're logged into.  Note, however, that the same credentials that you used to login to the current index will be used to access the index that you specified in the IN clause.  If you don't have sufficient access rights in that index, the server will return an appropriate error to the driver.

Administrative Mode:

When you want to change your current session's administrative mode, use the following DirList2ODBC-specific statement in SQLExecDirect or SQLPrepare/SQLExecute:

Statement Parameters Notes
ADMINMODE 0 Disable the administrative mode for this recordset (default if you do not have the CanViewHiddenEntries priviledge)
  1 Enable the administrative mode for this recordset (default if you have the CanViewHiddenEntries priviledge, fails if you do not have CanViewHiddenEntries)

Release Note on String Searches:

When specifying strings for search criteria, equal-to, not equal-to, less than [or equal to], greater than [or equal to], and LIKE (including ESCAPE) are supported. At this time, only equal-to is supported in tables other than tblDirEntry.

Tables and their Fields

Here is a list of the tables and their fields, with the primary keys in bold:

Table Field Description
tblDirEntry UserName Username on the host system
  FirstName First name
  LastName Last name
  Exclude Exclude user from all non-administrative listings
  Exists User's home directory exists on the host system
  CheckName Check the host system's user database for the user's first and last names on the next update
  CheckWebSite Check the user's web site on the next update
  HasWebSite The user currently has a valid web site
  WebSite Web site address
  HasEMailAddress The user has an active e-mail address
  EMailAddress E-Mail address
  HasTelephone The user has a telephone
  Telephone Telephone number
tblClass ClassID Unique identifier for this classification
  Name Name
  HasDefaultValue This classification has a default value
  DefaultValue The default value
tblClassData ClassID Classification identifier
  UserName Username that this row applies to
  ValueID Value for this classification for this user
  HasOtherValue None of the predefined values for this class apply to this user
  OtherValue The other value if HasOtherValue is set
tblClassValue ValueID Unique identifier for this value within this classification
  ClassID Classification identifier
  Value The string representation of this value
tblSortTable SortTableID Unique identifier for this sort table
  Order The fields, order, and orientations for this sort table
  NumEntries Current number of entries in the sort table (usually equal to the number of rows in tblDirEntry)
tblUser UserID Unique identifier for this database user
  Name Name
  Password Password
  Description Description of this user
  UserLevel Level of user edit ability
  SearchLevel Search rights based on a predefined list in the server
  Audit Audit the actions of this user
  CanViewHiddenEntries User has administrative access to tblDirEntry
  CanGetEntries Read access to tblDirEntry and tblClassData
  CanModifyEntries Write access to tblDirEntry and tblClassData
  CanDeleteEntries Delete access to tblDirEntry and tblClassData
  CanGetClasses Read access to tblClass and tblClassValue
  CanModifyClasses Write access to tblClass and tblClassValue
  CanDeleteClasses Delete access to tblClass and tblClassValue
  CanGetSortTables Read access to tblSortTable
  CanModifySortTables Write access to tblSortTable
  CanDeleteSortTables Delete access to tblSortTable
  CanGetIndexInfo Read access to tblIndexInfo
  CanModifyIndexInfo Write access to tblIndexInfo
  CanCreateIndex Can create new databases
  CanDeleteIndex Can delete the database
  CanLock Can lock the database (required for successful write access in a future release of DirList2ODBC)
  CanGetUsers Read access to tblUser
  CanModifyUsers Write access to tblUser
  CanDeleteUsers Delete access to tblUser
  CanNoOp User can ping the server and/or log in. The server specifically ignores CanNoOp during authentication
  AuditGetEntries Audit reads on tblDirEntry and tblClassData
  AuditModifyEntries Audit writes on tblDirEntry and tblClassData
  AuditDeleteEntries Audit deletes on tblDirEntry and tblClassData
  AuditGetClasses Audit reads on tblClass and tblClassValue
  AuditModifyClasses Audit writes on tblClass and tblClassValue
  AuditDeleteClasses Audit deletes on tblClass and tblClassValue
  AuditGetSortTables Audit reads on tblSortTable
  AuditModifySortTables Audit writes on tblSortTable
  AuditDeleteSortTables Audit deletes on tblSortTable
  AuditGetIndexInfo Audit reads on tblIndexInfo
  AuditModifyIndexInfo Audit writes on tblIndexInfo
  AuditCreateIndex Audit index creations
  AuditDeleteIndex Audit the index deletion (after this, the database has to be recreated in theory for further audits on this database)
  AuditLocking Audit locking (not recommended due to the number of messages involved when it will be implemented)
  AuditGetUsers Audit reads on tblUser
  AuditModifyUsers Audit writes on tblUser
  AuditDeleteUsers Audit deletes on tblUser
  AuditNoOp Audit pings and logins (this can generate a lot of messages!)
tblIndexInfo Version Minor version of the index file
  LowestVersion Lowest minor version of DirList2 Server that the index file requires
  HasSequenceNumber File maintains sequence numbers (always enabled on DirList2 Server 2.1 and higher)
  SequenceNumber The sequence number of the file (basically the file's internal version; it is incremented on each write and delete operation to the database); it can also be helpful for ordering multiple backups
  HasLocking Locking capabilities are enabled for the database
  EncryptFile Actual database file on the server is encrypted
  Locked Database is currently locked
  Audit Enable auditing for the database
  AuditEMail The e-mail address to send audit messages to when auditing is enabled
  WebDocsDir The subdirectory to poke around when looking for web sites within users' home directories
  BaseDir Base directory upon which the users' home directories appear in
  CachePasswd Cache the /etc/passwd file for fast name lookups. Note that this only works on servers compiled for UN*X platforms, and only on versions 2.4 and higher (this flag is stored correctly in previous versions but has no effect)
  HasEMailDomain Use a default e-mail address domain when automatically creating new records during index updates. This requires DirList2 Server 2.6 to have a meaning (this flag is stored correctly in previous versions but has no effect)
  EMailDomain Use this e-mail address domain when automatically creating new records during index updates. This value is not stored with any versions of DirList2 Server below 2.6
  HasDefaultURL Automatically redirect to a URL if no index file is specified in the web query string or if the query string is simply blank. This requires DirList2 Server 2.6 to have a meaning (this flag is stored correctly in previous versions but has no effect)
  DefaultURL Redirect to this URL if no index file is specified in the web query string or if the query string is simply blank. This value only means something when in the dirlist_indexes/users.idx2 file, since that's what dirlist2.cgi looks for when it needs a default URL. This value is not stored with any versions of DirList2 Server below 2.6

While tblIndexInfo does not have a primary key, the setup instructions for the generic Access database require that you set something such as EncryptFile as the primary key so that Access can create updatable recordsets.

Data Types

Here is a list of the data types that DirList2ODBC can work with:

SQL Type Internal DirList2 Type C Data Types

* Native data type in the actual data stored by DirList2 Server.

Note that every data type above can be converted into any data type listed above with no restrictions except that negative values are not supported when converting strings to signed numbers.  If a data type was not listed above, then it is not supported.

Connection Strings

When connecting to a data source using SQLDriverConnect or SQLBrowseConnect, you must specify a DSN parameter.  Here is a list of parameters that SQLDriverConnect, SQLBrowseConnect, and ConfigDSN support:

Parameter Description
DSN Data source name to connect to.  This is the only required parameter when connecting to a data source.
DESC Description of the data source.   This is ignored when connecting to a data source.
UID Username to login as.  This value corresponds with a Name field in tblUser in valid logins.
PWD Password for the user.  This value corresponds with the Password field in tblUser for the user specified in the UID parameter.
DATABASE The index file to use on the server.
SERVER The hostname or TCP/IP address of the server to connect to.
PORT The TCP/IP port to connect to on the server.   This is usually 80, the standard port for web servers.
PATH Path to the dirlist2.cgi program.  This is usually /cgi-bin/dirlist2.cgi

Passing these parameters to ConfigDSN will set the default values to those you specify.  This can be useful when writing a customized installer for a database product.  All persistent values used by DirList2ODBC are stored in each DSN's key in the system registry.  If you want to make a quick connection and don't care about the other parameters besides DSN, use SQLConnect.

Conformance Levels

This driver conforms to ODBC 2.0 Level 1 and implements many Level 2 functions such as SQLExtendedFetch.

The SQL engine conforms closely to the core SQL89 standard, but many features such as the entire set of DDL statements are not implemented because their functions are not consistent with DirList2's design.


Copyright (c) 2000 Steven Lawrance
Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Bryant College
Written by Steven Lawrance
DirList2 Server Version: 2.6
DirList2ODBC Version: 1.51
Last Revision: 10-08-2000